Meta’s New AI Content Disclosure Tag: What it Means for Socials

These days, we’re all about scanning codes. Think of QR codes and the standard barcodes that we all know from the checkout process at the self-service checkouts. Recently a very special product was introduced that can be scanned. From now on, we do not only have to scan a Jeep car with our eyes, but it is also possible to do this with your phone!
The well-known car brand Jeep (Canada) recently launched the so-called “Jeep Code”. For the Jeep Code, Jeep has developed a filter together with Snapchat that allows you to scan the grill on the front of a Jeep. The grill thus acts as the barcode that is unique to each Jeep model. By scanning the grill you can find out everything about the car. It is even possible to put together your Jeep via an online showroom, make an appointment at a Jeep dealer and finally make your purchase.
With this development, Jeep wants to arouse the interest of younger generations who are already familiar with virtual shopping and its convenience.
This new trend is a striking step in the online world and offers new opportunities for many brands. The collaboration between Jeep and Snapchat has taken the ‘virtual shopping trend’ to the next level! Who knows what’s next? 👀